Sunday, 29 May 2011


1. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, But what is morepainful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.

2. A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go.

3. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

4. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it'salso true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.

5. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone-but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

6. The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everythingthey just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Hidup Bukan Kisah Kebetulan

Tak kan ada kisah kebetulan dalam hidup ini. Semua yang nampak seperti peristiwa – peristiwa kebetulan / co incident, sesungguhnya ialah bukan peristiwa kebetulan, kerana yang maha kuasa, akitek kehidupan ini telah merencanakan segala sesuatu itu dengan sempurna !!

Kehidupan kita adalah ibarat sebuah drama tentang sejarah manusia ! Masing – masing melakonkan peranannya sendiri – sendiri, dan tak ada yang bertukar peranan, atau melakoni peranan yang salah ! Tak ada casting dalam drama sejarah ini.

Oleh itu jika keletihan, berhentilah sejenak....tetapi jangan lah pernah berputus asa ! Kerana yang maha kuasa telah menetapkan ’Takkan berputus asa dari rahmat Allah, selain orang – orang yang kafir’ QS Yusuf : 87 dan ’Allah takkan memberikan cubaan kepada manusia melebihi kemampuan umatnya untuk menanggungnya’

So,..u’ll never walk alone....tabahlah

Sunday, 22 May 2011

The Perspective of Perception!

There are some who see things for what they are, others who see them as they believe and others only as they’ve seen them before. Which viewpoint do you have?
So many viewpoints, disagreements and conflicts around the same topic for the same outcome. In a world where perception is more real than actual reality, comes the problem of understanding one another. So how do you form a perspective and how do you absorb one’s perspective to see beyond it and get to the reality?

I often say our perspective comes from two places: our belief and how much we see. This perspective is then formed and stays with us till the very end while impacting every other decision we make in between based on how we perceive life.

How does belief impact perception?
Here goes the simplest explanation. What dictates right from wrong? Is it religious belief? Is it a book? Is it our parents and their beliefs? But then I ask you who taught them? Regardless of where we get our belief, it has a very high impact on our judgment which leads to a perspective we create based on what we know. The real problem is that when we see others act outside of our belief and existing perception, we think they are crazy or simply arrogant and unworthy. A perfect example of this is the never ending argument of which religion fits the equation best.
What do we see?

Earlier I said that belief and perception impact what you see. You see what you believe as that’s what you have been trained to see since day 1. Think about the typical car salesman and the invoice trick. You are told to not believe car salesman as the general thought from ages ago is that they are all crooks and therefore you are now shown an invoice as to what the cost of your car was and that you are being sold that car below invoice making it a good deal, but you are taught that and therefore believe that. There is of course 2 different invoices tied to each car but you are not told to see that and therefore miss it and dismiss it.

How do we see more?
Knowledge is power and knowing what to look for differentiates leaders from followers. Think of it in the simplest form. The more you know about the reality of things, then the closer to reality your perception becomes and therefore the more REAL opportunities you see from passive ones. If you are aware of the car market and real values that cars hold, you are not as impressed at the individual in a Mercedes driving by or by a Maserati that trades at values below 30K. The same rules apply if you are buying a car in the example above and understand that 2 invoices exist. This same concept pretty much applies to all aspects of business, from understanding how to read your clients and their true intentions to being able to differentiate a real opportunity from an MLM scam. Learning to choose to see more makes us better and more successful in every way and enables us to move further and differentiating ourselves from the crowds around us. This differentiation allows others to look at us as leaders or experts in the field at hand and therefore wish to follow us to learn more. There is no real trick to perception other than accepting reality for what it is “just reality” and not making excuses as to why things are a certain way but rather finding a way to see them always for nothing more than their face value in an emotionless state.

It you to decide...

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

8C Sebab Suami Benci isteri

Kepada yang berkenaan tolong la baca....
dari Dr Fadillah Kamsah..

Lelaki mempunyai ego mereka tersendiri. Jadi mereka tidak suka dicabar terutama sekali oleh wanita. Wanita perlu tahu batas tindakan mereka agar lelaki tidak rasa tercabar.Isteri kalau bergaduh dengan suami mulalah kata "Kalau awak berani cubalah cari perempuan lain! Dr Fadillah kata JGN CABAR SUAMI... nanti suami buat betul-betul isteri juga yg putih mata...

Cabul ni bermaksud keji dari segi perangai sehingga seseorang wanita itu langsung tidak malu. Misalnya bergaul bebas dgn lelaki yang bukan muhrim tanpa menghirau batas pergaulan.Juga perbuatan & kata2 isteri yang tak sopan (isteri hilang sifat malu)seperti keluarkan kata2 yg tidak baik pada mertua...

Wanita yg cantik akan kelihatan hodoh jika mulutnya celupar.Celupar lebih kurang cabul juga. Isteri selalu cakap yang tidak manis, selalu terlepas cakap pada suami sehingga membuat suami jauh hati.

Terdapat wanita yg cantik tetapi comot. Comot ini samada melibatkan wajah wanita itu, penampilannya yg selekeh,kerja yg dilakukan serta tindak-tanduknya. Contohnya, isteri bila nak keluar rumah baru nak bersolek dan comel tapi kat rumah comot. Suami pula di tempat kerja asyik pulak nampak yg comel2 aje... Ada isteri kata - mekap untuk suami,tapi kat rumah tak praktik pun.

Cemburu perlu dalam sesuatu hubungan.Tetapi wanita yg terlampau cemburu hingga pasangannya merasa terkongkong akan membawa padah kepada perhubungan mereka. Ini membuatkan lelaki akan rasa diri mereka tidak dipercayai. Suami lemas kalau isteri cemburu berlebih-lebihan... sikit2 dok telefon suami kat tempat kerja. Suami baru balik kerja dah kita tanya macam-macam. Suami balik lewat overtime dah syak yg bukan2...

Kata ulama hati wanita terletak pada mulutnya.Oleh itu wanita perlu mengawal percakapannya. Suami tak suka bila isteri cerewet tak bertempat. Contohnya kalau suami bawa makan luar, isteri nak tempat yang class2 aje. Restoran nak ada air-cond aje.

Buat kerja rumah cincai, masak cincai, kemas rumah cincai, jaga anak cincai.Dr Fadillah kata suami paling benci bila isteri cincai jaga anak...anak dah masuk longkang tapi mak dok lepak depan tv lagi....

Kebiasaan lelaki tidak suka jika pasangannya cuai terutama apabila ia melibatkan masa. Misalnya apabila suami menetapkan keluar jam 3 tetapi pada masa yg ditetapkan isteri masih sibuk bersiap,bersolek, mengemas.Ini akan membuatkan mereka benci kerana situasi sebegini.

8C ini lambang keperibadian muslimah yang lemah akhlaknya.Berpelajaran tinggi belum tentu tinggi akhlaknya. Tapi kita insan yg mudah lupa & lalai... ada masa2 tertentu, mungkin juga kerana sifat suami & keadaan sekeliling yang buat kita mempunyai salah satu ciri2 8C tu.