Thursday, 24 May 2012


1. Jangan membanding banding kan diri kita dengan orang lain. 

2. Jangan berfikiran negatif terhadap org lain 

3. Jangan mengejek atau merendahkan orang 

4. Jangan melakukan sesuatu mengikut emosi

5. Jangan suka ber gossip hal2 yang tidak penting 

7. Jangan suka mengeluh

8. Yang berlalu, biarlah berlalu jangan diungkit"

9. Jangan suka membenci

10. Hiduplah dengan aman damai

11. Sedari bahawa kebahagiaan berawal dari diri kita sendiri

12. Sedari bahwa hidup adalah proses pembelajaran.

13. Banyakan senyum & ketawa

14. Jangan suka mendesak

15. Selalulah berkomunikasi kepada orang yang disayang

16. Yakinlah Setiap hari adalah hari yang baik

17. Maafkan semua orang

18. Luangkan waktu untuk orang tua dan hormati mereka

19. Berusahalan membuat orang2 lain tersenyum.

20. Jangan mencampuri urusan orang lain.

21. Berilah perhatian terhadap keluarga.

22. Hargailah orang yang mengasihi kamu dan menyayangi kamu

23.Jika melihat orang susah,harus saling tolong menolong

24.Yang terakhir paling penting adalah kesabaran

Jika smua tips ini dijalankan dan disebarkan ke semua orang,maka dunia ini 

akan indah dan damai..

Ada pepatah mengatakan" Apa yg ditanam/diperbuat seseorang itulah yang 

akan dihasilkan/diperoleh seseorang"

tidak ada orang lain yang boleh membuat kamu bahagia.

Walaupun mereka itu pasangan hidup kamu, sahabat kamu, wang kamu atau 


Semua itu tidak akan membuat kamu bahagia.

Kerana yang boleh membuat diri kamu bahagia adalah diri kamu sendiri.

Kamu bertanggung jawab atas diri kamu sendiri.

Kalau kamu sering merasa bersyukur, tidak pernah punya perasaan 

hasat dengki, selalu percaya kan diri kamu, kamu tidak akan pernah merasa 


Sesungguhnya pola fikiran kita yang menentukan apakah kita bahagia atau 

tidak, bukan faktor luar. Bahagia atau tidaknya hidup kamu bukan ditentukan 

oleh seberapa kaya kamu, atau orang2 di sekeliling hidup kamu. 

Bahagia adalah Pilihanmu sendiri.......

Sunday, 13 May 2012


Aku ada pasangan hidup sendiri....

Bila seronok, aku cari.

Bila sedih, aku cari....Mak

Bila berjaya, aku ceritakan pada....pasanganku

Bila gagal, aku ceritakan pada....Mak

Bila bahagia, aku peluk erat....pasanganku

Bila berduka, aku peluk erat....Emakku

Bila nak bercuti, aku bawa....pasanganku

Bila sibuk, aku hantar anak ke rumah....Mak

Bila sambut valentine.. Aku bagi hadiah pada pasanganku

Bila sambut hari ibu...aku cuma dapat ucapkan "Selamat Hari Ibu"

Selalu.. aku ingat pasanganku

Selalu.. Mak ingat kat aku

Bila-bila... aku akan talipon pasanganku

Entah bila... aku nak talipon Mak

Selalu...aku belikan hadiah untuk pasanganku

Entah bila... aku nak belikan hadiah untuk Emak


"Kalau kau sudah habis belajar dan berkerja...

 bolehkah kau kirim wang untuk Mak?

 Mak bukan nak banyak... lima puluh ringgit sebulan pun cukuplah".

 Berderai air mata jika kita mendengarnya........

Tapi kalau Mak sudah tiada..........


Berapa ramai yang sanggup menyuapkan ibunya....

berapa ramai yang sanggup mencuci muntah ibunya.....

berapa ramai yang sanggup. mengantikan lampin ibunya.....

berapa ramai yang sanggup..... membersihkan najis ibunya.......

berapa ramai yang sanggup....... membuang ulat dan membersihkan luka kudis ibunya....

berapa ramai yang sanggup berhenti kerja untuk menjagaibunya.....


"Selamat hari ibu, sememangnya pengorbanan seorang mak tidak dapat di ganti dengan wang ringgit" 

semoga mak sentiasa sihat.. dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki..amin

Monday, 7 May 2012

Why Common Sense Isn’t so Common

We expect the world to acquire common sense, though we often find ourselves using the line “Common Sense Isn’t so Common”, yet have we ever stopped to analyze why or perhaps what it is that makes some people so much more aware of whats going on around them?  Do we ever wonder why some people are street smart and others with PhD’s are not capable of showcasing common sense in some situations?
Common sense is not so common and it is partly because our past upbringings and situations we have dealt with are also not so common.  As a society, we certainly have some education standards, for example going to school until the age of 18 making it mandatory and in most cases for free.  We also have standards around the type of minimal education each person must go through, such as mathematical, english or history topics.  However, we are not offered education on common sense, maybe perhaps it is because common sense cannot be taught but rather experienced.
When you compare two individuals, one with a high level of education and the other a college dropout, most would assume that the college dropout is more likely to have failed 5 years down the road, although it all really depends on circumstances.  Someone who has been sheltered their entire life, never exposed to real life situations, or even never having experienced earned values is often unable to deal with them in the long run.  While the uneducated high school dropout may not have achieved in school, he will certainly have a much greater sense of survival and self-sufficiency making him more aware of his environment as he depends on it for survival.  This awareness to situations, surroundings and people’s reactions is a direct result of past experiences which in this case are much more amplified than those that have had no choice but to understand their background in order to find themselves and create their place in society.
On the other hand, you have the individual who perhaps was brought up in a wealthy environment where everything was catered to them and never really had to deal with knowing how to act, understand people, or even understand how to put 2 and 2 together to survive.  This individual simply got accustomed to the luxuries of taking the thinking out of things and emotions, therefore, being told how to think.  Being sheltered for a long time and not exposed to most of life’s basic experiences, creates a disconnection resulting in what we call lack of common sense which really is no different than saying,  ”people just don’t get it”.
If you bring to mind some of your friends, family members, and others around you, you might notice that not all are prone to understanding what “entrepreneurship” really is.  You might think to yourself that it makes no sense that someone would want to work for others their entire life and that they never imagine life as an opportunity to reach their true potential, additionally, possibly believe that many of their actions classifies them as people that don’t get it.  Reality being that 30% of a person’s abilities is based on the fact that people are a by-product of their own environment and often their environment or exposure to a certain way of life is why they are, act, or even believe in certain things.  Religion is a good example, as many are born into and brought up within their parent’s religion, despite not understanding anything about it, it is simply accepted that they are either Christians, Muslims, Catholics, or just about anything else.  If you do not separate them from their beliefs, church and all those other activities they are exposed to for the first 15 years of their life, it is very likely that these individuals will forever remain in that religion and with that belief.
Very few times are people capable of looking past themselves and their current knowledge and understanding that perhaps their way of being today is the reason their life is so limited tomorrow.  The real question is how self-aware are you?